結婚 母鹿報仇 李毓芬 愛夏天電影季 BJD
oh, Rog withdrew Dubai and the Davis CupToday I am disappointed to announce that I am withdrawing from both Dubai and the Davis Cup tie in the United States. This was a hard decision to make as I am missing not only one of my favorite events on tour in Dubai but I am also missing out on an opportunity to help my country try and move on to the next round of Davis Cup. After injuring my back last fall, I did not have enough time to strengthen it completely. As a precautionary measure, I will use the next few weeks to make sure the back injury is fully rehabilitated and I am ready for the rest of the 2009 season.As always, thanks for your continued support.Rogerhttp://www.rogerfederer.com/en/rogers/news/newsdetail.cfm?uNewsID=868*****矮由好可惜喔我剛才想到說23號杜拜的比賽就要開始 還好興奮的跑去官網看有沒有什麼消息沒想到看到的居然是費葛格退賽的消息!而且連台維斯杯也退賽了!一開始感覺好可惜喔!不過後來看看 費葛格是因為背傷才退賽 那這樣我就寬心多了'休息是為了走更長遠的路嘛 畢竟四大滿貫還有三大沒打 而這些才是最主要的目標