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[奶爸一三八彩排報告]Seb Reports Back From RehearsalsIt's a very exciting time for us at the moment as it's the final few days of rehearsal before our world tour starts in Manchester on Saturday. We're all working very hard and everything looks absolutely stunning, very stylish and classy. We've got together the best people we could find from around the world to put this show on - it's a fantastic crew and we're very, very happy. Our aim has been to bring modern and classical together within the set, both visually and musically. We're fine tuning the performances all the time, but I don't think you ever get it 100% perfect for the first show, just because you need an audience there to see how they're going to react. You might decide to change the order or lose one or two things here and there. I think it's about 98% there already though!Working with William Baker on the show has been absolutely amazing. He has such an incredible eye for everything, he's very stylish, and I have to say, his vision for Il Divo has been the best we've had so far. He really understands what we need and how we want to present ourselves. We had to spend a while looking for that, and I truly believe that this tour is the best thing we've ever done.On the day of the first show I will be going for a walk with my wife and kids, just relaxing and having a normal life. Then we'll go to the venue and perform a soundcheck. Afterwards I'll find myself a space on my own and do some vocal warm-ups, get the adrenaline going five minutes before the show, and then once we're on stage we'll just enjoy it and have fun! I think that's the key - it's easy to stress out about whether the lighting will be ok, about the movements etc. but at the end of the day people come to see humanity and something live, they don't always want perfection. I think everyone feels pretty relaxed about it all.After each show I normally go straight home. It takes me a little while to unwind because the adrenaline is still going so I don't normally go to bed before 2am, but now I'm going to have to try and get to sleep sooner because my kids will be up early in the morning! It'll take a while to adjust but I'm sure I'll get used to it.I'm very much looking forward to seeing lots of you on the tour, I hope you have a fantastic evening. Love Sebhttp://ildivo.com/news/journal.php?id=20090219*****總之就是一切現在算是上軌道 不過還是要看觀眾的反應做調整等等這位先生請早點睡 聽說多休息是保養嗓門的最佳方式 您自個要多保重啊至於那件事當然我希望是我搞錯了 要不也希望你們也有適度的調整我是不太希望把人的頭扭下來的你應該知道...奶爸一三八號報告完畢 我也沒什麼力氣再多說啦